Occurrence record: GN19_HES01_1967_07_1.0_DASSHDT00000136_117741

MaterialSample of Margelopsis haeckelii Hartlaub, 1897 recorded on 1967-07-01


Occurrence ID GN19_HES01_1967_07_1.0_DASSHDT00000136_117741
Basis of record MaterialSample
Scientific name Margelopsis haeckelii Hartlaub, 1897
Licence CC-BY-NC
Record Date 1967-07-01 (Day)
Location Grid Reference: NX8450 Latitude: 54.8325 Longitude: -3.805555556
Identified by T.G. Skinner
Identification verification status Accepted


Data partner Marine Biological Association
Data resource 1966-1986 T.G. Skinner Solway Firth Occurrence of some prominent zooplankton
Bibliographic citation Lear D (2019): 1966-1986 T.G. Skinner Solway Firth Occurrence of some prominent zooplankton. v2.0. Marine Biological Association. Dataset/Samplingevent. https://doi.org/10.17031/ovnnft
Institution code Supplied institution code "MBA"


Individual count 5.0


Occurrence date 1967-07-01
Sampling protocol DASSHDT00000136_METH01_GN19
Date precision Day
Event date 1967-07-01
Event remarks Plankton Net
Event ID GN19_HES01_1967_07


Scientific name Margelopsis haeckelii Hartlaub, 1897
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Species Margelopsis haeckelii
Genus Margelopsis
Family Margelopsidae
Order Anthoathecata
Class Hydrozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0021053765
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Habitat taxon marine
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship Hartlaub, 1897
Scientific name ID urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:117741


Country United Kingdom
State/Province Scotland
Latitude (WGS84) 54.8325
Longitude (WGS84) -3.805555556
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate precision Unknown
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 200.0
Grid size in meters 1000
Location ID Hestan_01
Grid reference NX8450

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Type sample

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    First of the month Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
    Grid reference calculated using latitude and longitude Warning
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