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Occurrence record: UKOOA_GAA07_152428_01ccf9

Human observation of Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 recorded on 2007-06-01


Occurrence ID UKOOA_GAA07_152428_01ccf9
Basis of record Human observation
Scientific name Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865
Licence CC-BY
Record Date 2007-06-01 (Day)
Location Grid Reference: OF813139 Latitude: 57.180494 Longitude: 0.998665
Identification verification status Accepted - considered correct


Data partner Marine Biological Association
Data resource DASSH Data Archive Centre - Statutory Surveys
Bibliographic citation DASSH Data Archive Centre - Statutory Surveys by Marine Biological Association under licence CC BY. Released under DASSH terms and conditions – See
Collection code UKOOA_GAA07


Occurrence date 2007-06-01
Date precision Day
Event date 2007-06-01
Event ID UKOOA_GAA0705_1


Scientific name Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.
Species Phyllodoce citrina
Genus Phyllodoce
Family Phyllodocidae
Order Phyllodocida
Class Polychaeta
Phylum Annelida
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0021049177
Taxonomic issue No issues
Habitat taxon marine
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship Malmgren, 1865


Country United Kingdom
State/Province Scotland
Latitude (WGS84) 57.180494
Longitude (WGS84) 0.998665
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 70.7
Bbox 57.180065,0.997803,57.180922,0.999528
Grid size in meters 100
Easting 581300
Northing 813900
Grid reference wkt POLYGON((0.9978 57.18006,0.9978 57.18092,0.99953 57.18092,0.99953 57.18006,0.9978 57.18006))
Grid reference OF813139

User flagged issues 

    Data quality tests

    Test name Result
    First of the month Warning
    Latitude Longitude calculated from grid reference Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
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    Additional political boundaries information

    Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (Scotland) East of Gannet and Montrose Fields
    Countries with sea areas Scotland
    UK, IoM, Channel Islands
    Hexagonal grid for reporting - 10km 7301
    Square grid for reporting - 10km 27470