Occurrence record: 38628912

Human observation of Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) | Otter recorded on 2024-09-25


Occurrence ID 38628912
Basis of record Human observation
Scientific name Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) - Otter
Licence CC-BY-NC
Record Date 2024-09-25 (Day)
Coordinates generalised Due to sensitivity concerns, the coordinates of this record have been generalised: "Location in England generalised to 0.01 degrees. Sensitive in ENGLAND, Name: England, Zone: COUNTRY [Sensitive, Natural England]". Please contact data provider for more information.
Location Grid Reference: SU0783 Latitude: 51.55 Longitude: -1.90
Recorded by Philpott, Bob
Identification verification status Accepted - considered correct


Data partner Mammal Society
Data resource National Mammal Atlas Project, online recording
Bibliographic citation National Mammal Atlas Project, online recording ([year of download])
Collection code iRecord | General data


Individual count 1


Life stage immature
Sex not recorded


Occurrence date 2024-09-25
Date precision Day
Event date 2024-09-25
Event remarks Otter dead on road. First reported on facebook as being there PM 24/09/2024. I visited the scene at 18.30 25/09/24 and photographed it. Length probably 3 feet plus but it was squashed. It looked like an immature but could have seen a small adult female. It was on the road by the car park that leads to the Thunder Brook and Jubilee Lake.


Scientific name Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)
Supplied scientific name "Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758)"
Common name Otter
Supplied common name "Eurasian Otter"
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.
Species Lutra lutra
Genus Lutra
Family Mustelidae
Order Carnivora
Class Mammalia
Phylum Chordata
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NBNSYS0000005133
Taxonomic issue No issues
Habitat taxon marine|terrestrial|freshwater
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship (Linnaeus, 1758)


Country United Kingdom
State/Province England
Latitude (WGS84) 51.55
Longitude (WGS84) -1.90
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate precision Unknown
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 707.1
Coordinates generalised Due to sensitivity concerns, the coordinates of this record have been generalised: "Location in England generalised to 0.01 degrees. Sensitive in ENGLAND, Name: England, Zone: COUNTRY [Sensitive, Natural England]".
Information withheld OSGB Grid Reference SU0783
Grid size in meters 1000
Grid reference wkt POLYGON((-1.90045 51.54585,-1.90045 51.55483,-1.88601 51.55483,-1.88601 51.54585,-1.90045 51.54585))
Grid reference SU0783

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generalisationtoapplyinmetres 1000

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    Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
    coordinatesNotCentreOfGrid Warning
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