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Occurrence record: ZOO:1989.542

Preserved specimen of Tuberoloxoconcha atlantica Horne, 1989
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Occurrence ID
Catalogue number 1989.542
Other catalogue numbers NHMUK:ecatalogue:2327026
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Scientific name Tuberoloxoconcha atlantica Horne, 1989
Licence CC0
Record Date 1980-08 (Month)
Locality beach N of Carragh ant-Struith
Location Not supplied
Recorded by Dr D Horne
Identification verification status Accepted - considered correct


Data partner Natural History Museum, London
Data resource Collection Specimens
Bibliographic citation Natural History Museum (2023). Data Portal query on 1 resources
Collection code ZOO
Institution code Supplied institution code "NHMUK"


Sex female


Occurrence date Year: 1980, Month: 08, Day:
Supplied as year:1980  month:8 
Date precision Month


Scientific name Tuberoloxoconcha atlantica Horne, 1989
Supplied scientific name "Tuberoloxoconcha atlantica Horne, 1989"
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Species Tuberoloxoconcha atlantica
Genus Tuberoloxoconcha
Family Loxoconchidae
Order Podocopida
Class Ostracoda
Phylum Arthropoda
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0000322492
Higher classification Animalia; Arthropoda; Crustacea; Oligostraca; Ostracoda; Podocopa; Podocopida; Cytherocopina; Cytheroidea; Loxoconchidae
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Habitat taxon marine
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship Horne, 1989


Higher geography Europe; United Kingdom; Scotland
Country United Kingdom
State/Province Scotland
Locality beach N of Carragh ant-Struith
Island Jura
Island group Inner Hebrides
Continent Europe

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bioorder Podocopida

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