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Occurrence record: z2t2t6v5

Human observation of Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828) | Striped Bright recorded on 2022-09-22


Occurrence ID z2t2t6v5
Basis of record Human observation
Scientific name Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828) - Striped Bright
Licence CC-BY
Record Date 2022-09-22 (Day)
Locality Barnluasgan (SSSI)
Location Grid Reference: NR7991 Latitude: 56.065364 Longitude: -5.543785
Recorded by LNHG leaf-mining course
Identified by Mark Young
Identification verification status Accepted - considered correct
Occurrence remarks Mines with incision holes in Betula leaves


Data partner Argyll Biological Records Centre
Data resource Argyll Biological Records Dataset
Bibliographic citation Argyll Biological Records Centre ([Insert year of download]). Argyll Biological Records Dataset. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Institution code Supplied institution code "ABReC"


Individual count Present


Life stage Larval feeding signs


Occurrence date 2022-09-22
Sampling protocol Field record / observation
Date precision Day
Event date 2022-09-22


Scientific name Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828)
Common name Striped Bright
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.
Species Phylloporia bistrigella
Genus Phylloporia
Family Incurvariidae
Order Lepidoptera
Class Insecta
Phylum Arthropoda
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0000503822
Taxonomic issue No issues
Habitat taxon terrestrial
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship (Haworth, 1828)


Country United Kingdom
State/Province Scotland
Locality Barnluasgan (SSSI)
Latitude (WGS84) 56.065364
Longitude (WGS84) -5.543785
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Verbatim locality 101
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 707.1
Georeference verification status Accepted - considered correct
Bbox 56.06065,-5.551387,56.070078,-5.536181
Grid size in meters 1000
Easting 179000
Northing 691000
Grid reference wkt POLYGON((-5.55139 56.06065,-5.55139 56.07008,-5.53618 56.07008,-5.53618 56.06065,-5.55139 56.06065))
County 101
Grid reference NR7991

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    Additional political boundaries information

    Districts, Boroughs and Unitary Authorities (Great Britain) Lancaster District (B)
    GB countries England
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 100km SD
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 10km SD47
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 50km SDNW
    Watsonian Vice Counties (GB) West Lancashire
    Watsonian Vice Counties – 12 mile (GB) West Lancashire
    Watsonian Vice Counties – 3 mile (GB) West Lancashire
    Landscape Character Assessment (Scotland) Upland Parallel Ridges - Argyll
    Local Authorities (Scotland) Argyll and Bute
    National Forests and Land (Scotland) Knapdale
    National Scenic Areas (Scotland) Knapdale
    National Soil Map of Scotland Brown soils
    National Vegetation Classification (Scotland) M, Mires
    Natural Heritage Futures Zones (Scotland) Argyll West and Islands
    Scottish Wetland Inventory Non-Specific Wetland
    Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve boundaries Knapdale Habitats Partnership Area
    Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Scotland) Knapdale Woods
    Special Areas of Conservation (Scotland) Taynish and Knapdale Woods
    Water Framework Directive River Basin Districts (Scotland) Scotland
    Water Framework Directive Sub Basin Districts (Scotland) Argyll
    Countries with sea areas England
    Local Environmental Records Centre Boundaries of the UK Lancashire Environmental Records Network
    Special Areas of Conservation with marine components (UK) Taynish and Knapdale Woods
    UK, IoM, Channel Islands
    Hexagonal grid for reporting - 10km 12245
    Square grid for reporting - 10km 22537
    World base layer United Kingdom