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Occurrence record: 290759

Human observation of Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758) | Burbot recorded on 1972


Occurrence ID 290759
Basis of record Human observation
Scientific name Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758) - Burbot
Licence CC-BY
Record Date 1972 (Year)
Locality Site name unavailable
Location Grid Reference: SE82 Latitude: 53.714504 Longitude: -0.713551
Identification verification status Accepted
Occurrence remarks Field


Data partner Biological Records Centre
Data resource Database for the Atlas of Freshwater Fishes
Bibliographic citation Biological Records Centre ([Insert download year]). Database for the Atlas of Freshwater Fishes. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Collection code NBN-GA000174-805


Occurrence date [date not supplied] Year: 1972, Month: , Day:
Supplied date "1972"
Date precision Year
Supplied as Publication date
Event date 1972
Event ID NBN-GA000174-805-2081304


Scientific name Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name Burbot
Taxon rank species
Name match metric Taxon GUID match
The match was based on the supplied taxon concept ID rather than the scientific name.
Species Lota lota
Genus Lota
Family Lotidae
Order Gadiformes
Class Actinopterygii
Phylum Chordata
Kingdom Animalia
Taxon ID NHMSYS0000544703
Taxonomic issue No issues
Habitat taxon marine|terrestrial|freshwater
Establishment means taxon Native
Scientific name authorship (Linnaeus, 1758)


Country United Kingdom
State/Province England
Locality Site name unavailable
Latitude (WGS84) 53.714504
Longitude (WGS84) -0.713551
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 7071.1
Bbox 53.670363,-0.79058,53.758595,-0.63636
Grid size in meters 10000
Location ID 1727355
Easting 480000
Northing 420000
Grid reference wkt POLYGON((-0.79058 53.67036,-0.79058 53.75859,-0.63636 53.75859,-0.63636 53.67036,-0.79058 53.67036))
County South-east Yorkshire
Grid reference SE82

Additional properties

compiler Maitland, Dr Peter S.
establishment status Unknown

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    Latitude Longitude calculated from grid reference Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
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    Additional political boundaries information

    Districts, Boroughs and Unitary Authorities (England) East Riding of Yorkshire
    National Character Areas (England) Humberhead Levels
    Districts, Boroughs and Unitary Authorities (Great Britain) East Riding of Yorkshire
    GB countries England
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 100km SE
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 10km SE82
    Ordnance Survey Grids - 50km SESE
    Watsonian Vice Counties (GB) South-east Yorkshire
    Watsonian Vice Counties – 12 mile (GB) South-east Yorkshire
    Watsonian Vice Counties – 3 mile (GB) Cambridgeshire
    Countries with sea areas England
    Local Environmental Records Centre Boundaries of the UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre
    UK, IoM, Channel Islands
    Square grid for reporting - 10km 29419
    World base layer United Kingdom